Ördübek Highland

It is approximately 148 km from the city center of Antalya and 47 km from Finike. Ördübek Highland is in the north of the county, which is 8 km from Yazırköy. It can be reached by following a 6 km asphalt road when turning west from the 41st km of Finike-Elmalı Highway.
Ördübek Highland is mainly used by upland people coming from Kumluca, Turunçova, Demre and Yazır. No one lives on the highland is mainly used as a summer resort during the winter months. Livestock is widely practiced in the region covered with greenery.
Ördübek Highland has been able to preserve its natural beauties until today since there are not many settlements. It spreads over a very wide area surrounded by centuries-old cedar trees and black pine and juniper trees. The highland's base is covered with mountain meadows and wildflowers. It promises visitors peaceful hours in the lap of nature.
Ördübek Highland opens its doors to all nature lovers. You can take pleasant walks in the cool air, listening to the chirping of birds under the shade of majestic trees that defy the years with all their splendor. Arykanda Ancient City, Avlan Lake, and Çığlıkkara Nature Reserve are near the plateau. It stands out as the priority route you can explore during your visit to the region.
Water resources are quite scarce in the highland, where electricity is available. It is recommended that those who come to the plateau for camping and want to stay for a few days should have their basic supplies with them.