Perge Ancient City

Perge Antique City is 18 km from Antalya city center. It is in the Aksu district. As a result of the research carried out in the city known as 'Parha', which is believed to have existed in the Hittite Period. It was revealed that the city's history dates back to the Early Bronze Age, in the light of the ceramic samples found in the acropolis.
The Ancient City of Perge was also one of the richest cities in Anatolia, with the most regular settlements during the Roman Period, when it lived its golden ages.
The ancient city fascinates its visitors with its architectural elements and is almost open-air. It consists of two main streets extending in the north-south and east-west directions. The water canal runs along the north-south oriented columned street of the city, which is set as an example in city planning. It stretches out from the middle and draws attention with its original design. Together with the four monumental fountains and two large baths in the city, the canal gave Perge a 'Water City' identity.
One of the main ruins of the Ancient City of Perge, the 12.000 seat stadium with its history dating back to the 2nd century BC, is one of the best-preserved stadiums in Turkey. Again, the theater, with 19 seats at the bottom and 23 rows at the top, with a capacity of approximately 15,000, is in very good condition. The stage building opens backstage with five doors and was built in the 2nd century.
High towers, rectangular-planned agora, Hellenistic gate, columned streets, monumental fountains, waterways, baths, gymnasium and necropolis, which emphasize the magnificence and power of the city, which is quite famous for its architecture and sculpture, are among the other important ruins to see. The remains and sculptures unearthed during the excavations in the city are exhibited in the Antalya Museum.
The Ancient City of Perge welcomes thousands of visitors every year with its works made with perfect craftsmanship. The artistic and architectural superiority of the period and the atmosphere reveal ancient times' splendour. We strongly recommend that you include the ancient city, which makes a great contribution to the historical and cultural identity of Antalya, in your travel plans.